Bask Reefer Madness 2022

You’ve heard of March Madness, get ready for Reefer Madness with Bask! Join us over the next few weeks on our stories to vote! Use this bracket here to fill […]
Terpene of the Month: Humulene

St. Patrick’s Day is one of our favorite green holidays, and to celebrate, we’ve selected March’s terpene of the month: Humulene. As Spring draws near, let’s celebrate this particular floral […]
Cannabinoid of the Month: CBG

To kick off our cannabinoid of the month feature, we’ll be discussing Cannabigerol (CBG). If you’re a cannabis consumer, you’re probably familiar with the cannabinoids THC and CBD, but did […]
1:1 The Golden Ratio of Cannabis

Often referred to as “the golden ratio”, 1:1 products have become very popular in recent years, hence their nickname. The Golden Ratio refers to the even ratio between THC and […]